One day the BWSF bookkeeper asked why we received such a strange check. The amount was $162.37. Intrigued a call was made. Ed replied he was cleaning out one of his bank accounts. He’s a good friend & always making me laugh. In Sept. he wrote back to a student.
Dear Mr. Passela,
I am in receipt of your letter concerning BWSF for which I thank you. Ms. Cellucci speaks highly of your going above and beyond to help her as a way of showing your gratitude.
Just know that there is a bunch of us out here trying to help.
We look forward to that day when you will be able to join us as an alum......and I mean as an alum of BWSF.
Ed Fitzmaurice
Thanksgiving, a day we give ‘Thanks”,- I am thankful for Ed,. After graduating from Villanova University, in1962, Ed joined the Marines and fought in the Vietnam war.
Once a Marine, always a Marine.
He entered as an Officer and served four and a half years He was designated a Naval Aviator, and served in the Dominican Republic and Vietnam as a Captain and Aircraft Commander, receiving several decorations including the Armed Forces Expeditionary Medal, 11 strike/flight Air Medals, the Presidential Unit Citation and Navy Unit Commendation.
Upon release from active duty, Fitzmaurice became a pilot for Braniff International and served as a domestic and international Captain, Co-Pilot, and Flight Engineer.

Simultaneously with piloting for Braniff, he attended the Southern Methodist Univesity of Law and was licensed by the State Bar of Texas in 1971. Never afraid of a good fight, Ed became a labor lawyer. His experience as a labor lawyer included 12 years Of Counsel to Hicks and Associates, and working as an Associate with Kern, Wooley and Maloney representing underwriters at Lloyd's. While also practicing law, Fitzmaurice was a Domestic Captain, Co-Pilot, and Flight Engineer for Braniff International Airlines for 17 years.

On November 9, 2001 he was nominated to the National Mediation Board by President George Bush and confirmed by the Ed and his wife, Marcia had two children: daughter Carey, now deceased served as a Senior Policy Analyst with the Environmental Protection Agency in Washington D.C. Carey was diagnosed with Stage 3 ovarian cancer in 2006. In the years that followed, she pursued her vision of using the fun experience of painting toenails teal for the serious purpose of educating women and men to the subtle signs of ovarian cancer. (Teal is the color for ovarian cancer awareness.) Carey founded Ed is extremely proud of his daughter Carey for founding Teal Toes (, a nonprofit organization dedicated to raising awareness of ovarian cancer. . Teal Toes has reached tens of thousands of people nationally and internationally, distributing more than 400,000 symptom awareness cards since its inception. Ed ‘s son, Evan is just as impressive and accomplished. Evan E. Fitzmaurice is an Assistant General Counsel – Legal Expert in the Office of General Counsel, where he focuses on special projects involving University of Texas System-wide initiatives, intellectual property commercialization, start-ups and licensing, all matters involving the Office of Innovation and The Horizon Fund, all matters involving UTIMCO, and business transactions of all types involving the campus and institutions.

Ed still practices law and took up golf! He and his wife, marcia live in Florida. Ed also is a Judge for BWSF