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Kate Cellucci

Student Spotlight - June 2019

Hello my name is Mike Maffuid. i'm from Colchester, CT and I'm majoring in Finance and Business Analytics.

I am the third of four children that my parents are trying to put through college, and next year will be the only year that our family has only one child in school. I noticed the changes in our family when my oldest sister started the college search, so long ago. My mom began working more to help save for our educations, but that was soon de-railed when my grandmother was diagnosed with ALS. My mother was forced to leave her job to support her mother while she fought this debilitating disease for 7 years. Making it even harder for our family to budget for putting four children through college. I knew going to Villanova would be a big financial strain for myself and my family’s finances, but I always had faith that the sacrifice and extra debt I would take on, would be more than worth it in the long run.

When I heard about this scholarship freshman year, I was excited to know there were people who recognized the intricacies of funding college education and the shortfalls of financial aid.

Now that I have been selected as a recipient two years later, all I can feel is immense gratitude for people like yourself that have given of themselves to make my education more practical for my family and less of a burden. Myself and my parents can only take out so many loans before enough is enough, and your donation brings with it the reassurance that I will be able to fund my education in a reasonable way.

I like to take the time to appreciate the moments in my life when I am reassured that I’m on the

Mike’s fraternity (Phi Sigma Kappa) at one of their annual fundraisers. A 3v3 soccer tournament that supports the Billy Zimmermann Foundation, which was founded in memory of one their brothers who passed away.

right path, and the Blue and White Scholarship is a perfect illustration of this. The Blue and White Scholarship Foundation, and the people like you who support it, are so…Villanovan. The sense of community, the commitment to do what is right, the ability to see the “big-picture” and know how

you want to impact it—all of the qualities that made me realize Villanova was where I belong are embodied in the mission of this Foundation, and I can’t help but feel even more at home now that I am a part of the program.

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