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Financial Aid Crisis

Check out Villanova's financial aid history
to see why students need our help 








The percentage of students' need that was fully met was CUT IN HALF from last year


How does this affect students?

53% of students have taken out some type of loan.

The average total indebtedness of the graduating class of 2018 was $35,552.00.


How does Villanova compare with other schools?

Boston College:

49% of students took out some type of loan

The average total indebtedness for the class of 2018 was $21,421.00.

Georgetown University:

37%  of students took out some type of loan

The average total indebtedness for the class of 2018 was $25,726.00.


Villanova students leave college with up to 39% more debt than their counterparts 



P.O. Box 412 - Villanova, Pennsylvania 19085 - (610) 519-0777

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